Monday, July 7, 2008

Let's just forget it happened

Mondays are never easy.

Especially not the last few but that's a different story altogether eh? Long, arduous and just too tolling, everything seems like a blur and all you want to do is get your coffee fix and retire home to your bed and collapse and die. BUT, there's always a but, you realize that you have deadlines chasing you and you've got to pull yourself together for a couple more hours to get rid of them. On top of all of that, I cloud my mind with things I should have tucked away. I am a moron, I'd be the first to admit. Oh give me a break, I'm just scared. I'm jaded and confused. Is that a good enough excuse?

Oh and Mika, sorry for using your face twice in a row(:

If you don't know,
Then you can't care.
And I show up,
But you're not there.
But I'm waiting
And you want to.

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