Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Guess who's single!

Happy Birthday Dode.

Maybe it's cos I had too much coffee, but I had a relatively good day. Well actually I think it' all the "What a fucking bastard!" reactions that's fueling it. Oh come on, don't pretend you expected more from me. You should have fucking known better.. but then again so should have I. Ha. ha. Actually it's all rather amusing if you take it with a pinch of salt, but if you don't then well it's incredibly maddening... Well you know.

Oh yes Dawde. Happy happy birthday to youuu! Yes strangely enough I do think of you, like when lunch is over and I have to put my own plate back, and when I need protection from Sonia and her.... self. HA! Oh and when I get really really REALLY bored in lecture. Haha! We will go out one day and you will buy me stuff. Good times good times..

Show up on Saturday, it'd be amusing as hell.

Now oh so easily you're over me
Gone is love
It's me that ought to be moving on!
You're not adorable,
I was something unignorable.
So shut up and let me go!

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