Monday, July 28, 2008

Cos you cannot have me

Baby I'm better off this way.

A three-night weekend results in me missing monday morning lectures yet again and spending the rest of the day in a daze. I've got a trillion things running through my mind right now. I'm letting myself fall behind on school work, using my emotional state as an excuse to be distracted. So not worth it. Deadlines are looming and exams are right round the corner. And let's not forget presentations. Yuck.

At the same time I fight an internal battle; Should I or should I not. I guess I won't. It's harsh and mean and I really don't wanna, but you don't deserve it. And neither do I. Oh who am I kidding. You've probably decided by now that you just don't want it anymore simply cos you are the way you are. I can't handle more rejection. I don't deserve this, not again. I'm sure you're fine, more than fine I can bet. But I'm not and I'm taking a stand.. by running away. Don't look at me like that, I get to be selfish.

It's surprisingly not all that easy.

I want to break free.
I want to break free from your lies,
You're so self satisfied 
I don't need you
I've got to break free

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