Sunday, July 13, 2008

I don't even know you

So this is what it came down to.

I had a bitter angry post but I hesitated and scraped it entirely simply because I know better. There's no point in any of that anymore. I came to a point where I cannot be bothered tolling myself with negative feelings anymore cos it's just so not fucking worth it. Well, except for the overwhelming angst and bitterness but I'm sure that'll pass. I need it now though, I really do. No point in lying about how I feel, I was and will be for a while a little upset. I mean I can't pretend it didn't mean anything, cos it really did. But other then that, I feel surprisingly calm about everything. And for once I don't think I'm just in denial about how I feel. I guess there's really nothing a coffee run at Siglap and a bunch of awesomely supportive friends can't fix then(:

This week is going to be another difficult, no doubt about it. Tests, deadlines and all that jazz. But I'll survive. I'm still here aren't I?

If I just breathe,
Let it fill the space in between
I'll know, everything is alright

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