Saturday, August 23, 2008

In shattered pieces that may never be replaced

Stay up all night with the stars.

I am over-blogging because I'd rather think than study. I don't even have much to say, except maybe that I feel like I am in a really weird place in my life right now. Everything seems to be stuck in transition mode and I'm just coasting along, accepting things as they come. 85 left me reminiscing and I realized how much I fucking miss night studies. Letting myself get so fucking distracted over the night sky and it's lunar wonders and wishing that those nights would last forever. Oh to be naive again. Dinner opposite school, Pau and her extensive knowledge of food, Starbucks-on-the-go from Audrey, Sonia's Lizzie's and my failure attempt at climbing a tree and everything else in between. I miss everything but more importantly I miss the people that made it all so fucking memorable. I've also been missing things I shouldn't be missing so god-damn much lately and it's scaring me fuck.

But I digress. Being in transition mode is odd indeed. Everything is moving, a little too quickly for my liking but who am I to say anymore. Change is the only constant and I have accepted that long ago. In fact I'm starting to see that problems only really occur when people don't change. When they remain the same, just as immature just as selfish and just as fucked up, as before. I have learnt that the hard way multiple times. But on the other hand, change is difficult to swallow, difficult to accept, difficult to adapt to without feeling like you've lost a part of you. So I'm just coasting along and hoping with every fiber of my being that it's all temporary, but somehow my denial is wearing thin and it's about to hit that everything has changed for good and it won't go back.

With my heart beside me,
In shattered pieces that may never be replaced.

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