Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I want a hot girlfriend.

Cos freedom tastes like coffee

Surprisingly, I am rather satisfied. Maybe not with the papers, Essential Graphics can fucking rot in hell and I definitely didn't try my hardest, but well I don't know what it is. Maybe it's just the calm after the storm or all the shopping that I did. Hmm. I think it's merely that it just hit me that the holidays are here. Living on the edge again or heck, maybe even just some good clean fun this time round. Actually yes, that does sound appealing. Shopping, beach, maybe a job(HA), coffee dates, girls; just the way things should be(: Hahaha. In the midst of it all, I smell change in physical and hopefully emotional states. Physical changes, simply cos I'm as angsty as they come. That and just wanting to see for myself how daring I actually am! Hahaha, do not comment. Oh and Son, I really do hope your hair turns out fantastic(: And I know that eventually I'll get bored and all that jazz, but right now I'm just happy where I am and it really has been along time since last.

I've got more wit, a better kiss,
A hotter touch, a better fuck,
Then any boy you'll ever meet,
Sweetie you had me.
Girl, I was it.

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