Sunday, August 3, 2008

A girl like you's impossible to find.

I drink to fill the void.

Failure weekend; Screw Singfest. (Well, I'm just jealous I'm not there) Project work sucks, we've all just come to a point where it's not our priority anymore. Being underaged sucks, it's not even the first fucking time. Siglap's closing sucks, cos Parkway is so much further away. Exams suck, I'm sure you don't need me to explain. I just can't wait for it all to be fucking over.

I spent the weekend realizing, or well, seeing for myself, the impact that just one person can have on your life. A friend, an ex-friend, a lover, an ex-lover; particularly anything with an ex in front of it. Cos you never seem to know what you have till it's gone; or perhaps that's just me wanting what I cannot have. Anyway, I guess it really goes back to the gaping hole that they leave behind and how you choose to fill it. So maybe I'm not doing the best job, but I'm trying.

I think you know I'll always love you, but right now I really just don't want to have anything to fucking do with you.

So breathe in so deep,
Breathe me in,
I'm yours to keep.
And hold on to your words,
Cos talk is cheap.
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep 

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