Saturday, August 30, 2008

I only smoke when I'm with you

Good clean fun my ass.

I want with every fiber of my being to pretend that nothing happened, to sweep it right under my already overfilling carpet. I am contemplative and still slightly shagged as I finally get to sit down and sort out my thoughts and tend to my wounds; both physical and mental. Fuck, Shah you know I love you but you need to lose some fucking weight balls. I never want to be in such close proximity to you ever again. And I'm not expecting these photos to appear anywhere else alright Marika and Faith?(: Haha! Thanks again loves for everything(:

Got up the next morning, sobered up and off to SAC. It was thought-provoking, because along with the overwhelming sense of nostalgia came a contradicting mix of excitement and a quiet sadness. In a weird way despite the change things are still the same. Unexplainable; let's move on. Traditional yet new-aged(Haha) post-exams celebratory outing with Din and then Baybeats spontaneously, which saw us on the Esplanade rooftop absolutely spent in every possible way. Looks like it's going to be a pretty long weekend too, perhaps my last free one before I begin work. I guess things have changed after all.

And you'd help me out of the dark,
And I'd give you my heart as an offering.

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