Monday, August 18, 2008

I never said I missed her, I miss her.

And all this time, I've watch it change,
But it's still the same.

I had a terrible dream, not the kind filled with monsters or dragons, but the realistic kind when you wake up with an empty feeling and questions swirling in your brain. Not a brilliant start I suppose but Siglap my love saved the day once again. My mind has been in an odd disarray though and it's crippling my ability to concentrate on studying. Everything feels like such a mess, like there's so much going on I don't even know where to begin. Actually what it feels like is reels and reels of tape, all precious memories, being played from one of them old projector thingys. All of them cut exactly where I want, portraying only what I want to see. Except this time all the little details I overlooked then are glaring me in my face. All the signs, all the gestures, all the damn intentions I chose to ignore now returning to taunt me and successfully make me feel like a fucking idiot. Everything the way it should be, but never will be. Everything wrong, just plain wrong. 

Images of broken light which
Dance before me like a million eyes
That call me on and on
Across the universe

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