Saturday, December 27, 2008

A year from now

Holy fucking macaroni! Boxing Day was more.. everything than I expected. I am now so broke I have to starve for the next week or so. We blew a combined total of.. half a thousand holy fucking macaroni once again! This is why we fight over grains of the miserable-and-oh-too-expensive plate of chicken rice we shared for dinner. Plastic forks are not our friends! oh. Now my nails smell pretty and everyone thinks I have gone insane. Haha. Planned, ate, spent and repented. Life is good. New Year's, like every other day, will come and go. Danced around on the train back to "Ain't No Party" and it hits us, really hits us, that it's been a damn year since that was our jam! Shizzles. And somehow I see through our friendship that it's so fucking true that we are completely different yet still exactly the same. Oh I am getting too cliched but I think the lack of money in my pocket is screwing with my mind!

The little we've had,
You've thrown it all away.

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