Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm giving up

Running creates epiphanies. Well more like failing at running. In a moment of impulsiveness and well.. envy, I tied up my hair, put on some shorts and shoes and off I went. Yeah, I about died, no surprise there. Practically crawled back, panting and heaving like an idiot. What's odd is that I feel like I'm in good shape, I just don't feel healthy. And really, I'm not. My brother blames this chronic cough I hope I'm not developing and somehow that doesn't make me feel any  better. So that leaves me sweaty, worn out and out of breath on my room floor wondering for the millionth time how I got myself here in the first fucking place. Ugh regret and remorse. And for the first time, I finally see that this.. everything.. has to stop. Well that and all the disappointment and disillusion shrouding this house. Yesterday I remembered why I was the good child and should always be for the sake of my parent's sanity. Anyway, I guess this will not be party week after all simply because I (perhaps for the first time in all of history) know better. Sorry Frosty will get low without me! Haha. This week I will run, this week I will rest and get better, this week I will breathe easy.

I almost forgot what it feels like,
To know when love feels right.

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