Monday, December 15, 2008

So swept aside, so dumb

Oh the dumpling/yogurt/coffee adventures never fail to amuse me even after a weekend like this. Except it ended somewhat different with us reminiscing and being all too nostalgic under the warm glow of the Suntec Starbucks, which proceeded in (her making) me click send.. in a hotel, only to be followed by spasms and an outburst before shrugging everything off.. and almost getting hit by a car. Harharhar. Nothing new really. Returned home to find that I was positively burning up, perfect. I think what I really learnt this year is that I am what people say I am. And choosing not to listen to the only one who knows that I lie like a cheebye was not the smartest choice, though I think I had to to learn. Sniff. I like to cross lines anyway, bend them, break them, collapse over them. I just.. forgot how good you were at drawing them over me once again. I think the ony surprise is that I didn't try to do it again. Ha. Somehow we're all exactly the same yet completely different yeah? The more I think about it, the more I feel it. This fever saw me lying on my bed under a pile of clothes at 4.30 in the morning, clutching my phone thinking "bitchy bitchy fucking bitchy" and staring at the ceiling breathing calmly too calmly, before drifting off into escapism land with quiet ease. The same song on repeat. This.. is the fever talking.

Said I broke your heart,
But it hasn't happened yet.

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