Thursday, December 11, 2008

Once she pierced her tongue I lost all respect for her

I have weird judge-y friends and I love them all dearly for everything that they do for me; they keep me grounded and keep me in check. And out of my weird judge-y friends, I somehow didn't manage to weed out fuckers like you. What the fuck man, honestly. And I know I'll regret this post the moment I click that button but what the heck, so much has been said and done already. Of all people, of all subjects, of all times. Fucking hell. Lines were crossed and boundaries were overstepped and for once I know it isn't the fucking pms. Both of you have managed to destroy my otherwise fantastic week. If you have a fucking issue with me, get some fucking balls and come right out and say it; don't use this shit as an excuse. It amuses me though, that I feel like I'm the better person though I know for a fact you'd think it was you. I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with you in the first fucking place. And you, what the fuck.. just.. what the fuck. You have absolutely no respect for me whatsoever and I'm sorry I wasted all that time on you. And I think the best part is, I never harbored any form of negative emotions towards either of you. Ever. But hey, things change. So I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I hate you. I hate you both. I hate you simply because that's the kind of person that you are, if I'm not exactly like you I'm going to hell and apparently I am. I hate you because even though I shouldn't give a fuck about what someone like you has to say about me, I kind of do.  And you, I hate you because you never respected me and evidently never will. But most of all, I hate you because you were the jerk, you were the fucker, and somehow I was the one who ended up walking around broken.

Make me pure,
But not yet.

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