Thursday, December 18, 2008

Nothing is real for me

With a quiet sigh of relief, everything is over and done with. Five dances and a fashion show. I'm quite disappointed I didn't get to take any action shots or even ones of the stage or the babies(!) but I was fearful that someone would steal my camera or that the stage manager would yell at me. Ha. All I see is forehead. HA. I can't roll straight to save my life. HA.HA. I think I look bored most of the time cos I was, but I'm glad I took part in the end. There's nothing like a pressing concert to really remind you why you've come this far. And there's nothing like (free) cranberry vodka and beer to celebrate after that;) Right now, other than the strangely soothing feeling of body ache and the relief from finally completing my report running through me, I feel.. a slight waver of christmas spirit. Oh the wonders of christmas coffee. Thank you Coffee Bean, though writing on your serviettes don't feel nearly the same.

I slip away and out of sight,
You've overstayed your time.

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