Saturday, December 13, 2008

Why the hell would you do this to me?

Word vomit, since I haven't vomited any other way. Pain, I am in so much pain. That was completely unintentional, wasted is the word. Again. Again. This has happened once again. I think I owe Din my life. And I don't think I've ever appreciated her more than I do right this instant. Ha. And Marika and Faith. And Bear. Yeah I don't deserve a phone okay, shut up. Actually I think you're all used to this by now. That's quite sad. Ha. I have bruises on my arm, and oddly enough, my toe. My eyes hurt. Still in pain. You're judging me, I feel it. I am so inappropriate, but if you really think about it.. everything is inappropriate. Everything is wrong. I am wrong. No, no I'm not. I secretly believe that I'm spot on, that I am right. Who the fuck does that? Okay I don't know anymore. It was amusing in the morning. Can I take it back now? Fuck this shit, I can't keep this up any longer. I'm stopping, I'm quitting, I'm done. Keep it in! Fuck, I can't breathe.

I don't need writing on the wall,
I felt it for so long.

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