Sunday, December 21, 2008

More than you could ever know

Mandatory cam-whoring! Lunch at Bugis left us reeling from being told to shut up, after sonia got hit on by an uh..old dude during my quest for bubble tea! Ha. A long walk to City Hall later saw us getting poseur yogurt + passing technology around in a panicked frenzy. She reckons it's a sport I oh-so-bitchily partake in and I reckon she is right. Trained to Chinatown in a fucking futile attempt to begin on my assignment, walked a whole big round as a tourist in the fucking humidity and collapsed at Coffee Bean for Christmas coffee in mock deliria. There could have been a hurhur in your hehe! HAHAHA. oh. Died for a bit then proceeded to Harbor Front for.. harbor front views. Trudged around for a bit, played with lights before completely giving up from fucking exhaustion and yelling "LET'S JUST GO SHOP LA!" Typical typical. Hahaha. Bickered over dinner cos I have issues maintaining friendly ties with uh.. everybody. See I told you we'd end up eating everything! We shall jam to random songs again and spend too much money on Boxing day kaaaaay! Gah so much to do, so little time. Hope hope secret hope.

I want you to change it all,
I'm gonna make it better.

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