Sunday, September 21, 2008

Still I'm dying with every step I take

Holidays are hazardous.

Can you tell that I have way too much free time? I am not moving, I am expanding! (In case you are ever curious about what I wear everyday. HAHA) Well I get that bored really. I slept most of this week away and spent the rest of the time out spending too much money. Oh and folding tiny clothes. Haha. Stupid proving my sobriety. Well I did it, so in your face people who did not believe I could go a week without my vices. So in the name of good clean fun I spent a lot of time reconsidering my wardrobe, which I will attempt to sort out tomorrow. I detest logical shopping, but my money is tight at the moment (seeing as how I blew close to five hundred since school ended on.. coffee?) Roar. My fantasy vacation remains a fantasy at the moment. Plus if I leave, upon my arrival back I'd be greeted with a sweeping wave of change and confusion anyway. Not very inviting. I will be working next weekend as well so no fun for me. I feel like telling someone I missed them but Gosh that would be more inappropriate than if I told you I missed you. Goodness gracious me! Let's try to shut our traps this time alright?

My heart ain't a brain,
But I'm thinking that 
I still -.

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