Sunday, September 28, 2008

How can I even try to go on?

Oh dear child, have we gotten old?

So the much anticipated or more like dreaded weekend is finally over! Work is dull as ever. Well, today's temporary stint at Harbor freaking Front wasn't as horrific as I imagined. In fact, the six hours seemed much shorter than the normal four I sulk through at the norm. Plus because I quite literally dragged myself out of bed before twelve, I got to watch F1! Which surprises me too, but really it was pretty damn cool to say the least. Ha! I blame the Chew. Yes Saturday was I think the first time we hung without me shopping at all! Well that's only cos I blew $oopsoopsoops on Thursday. Hahaha sod off. Caught the movie of the season, MAMA MIA, (Gosh I can be so fuh-reaking mainstream sometimes) and we died. I can't understand how people could sit and seriously appreciate random heads popping up outta nowhere, goats and mules while Chew and I cackled our way through. What a word. HA. After that, stupid couple crashed the joint with empty promises of yogurt and a cruel trick in the midst of a china invasion and the wrath of the annoying as fuck whatever-she-is. You suck. 

Well other than that and the random messages from random boys (hehe) , the weekend has only been survivable because I have clogged all the emotions and hid them in some dusty corner. Cos if I didn't, I'd be filled with resentment, bitterness and sadness really even though I anticipated it all too early. I expect too much from the wrong people. I am going to drown myself in ABBA now! Gosh I really do feel old.

Dont go sharing your devotion,
Lay all your love on me.

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