Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Can't remember why I fell in love with this

There's nothing left to show you

I have quite metaphorically speaking of course relented and swept another booze-infused night right under my security carpet and climbed up the huge heap and sat crossed-legged on top, beaming from the pride of having conquered my imaginary mountain. Only to look up to realize that my head is almost hitting the ceiling, oh dear child. Even my moral and mental triumph that came in rather bitchy electronic words and a less-than-endearing smiley quickly dissipated when I realized hours later that I had just given the permission to shirk responsibilities and guilt. Great job, oh am I being discreet enough by the way?

Well sod that then. There's too much to say, and that'll be my cue to keep my big fat mouth shut. Somehow I never listen, or shut up. (What DO I do then? Jeez) Well sorry bout that then honey, even if you don't love me anymore. If I had an LJ my mood would say contemplative, or apathetic, or well just plain bored. Maroon Five is playing. Oh and it seems the world is now divided right down the middle again and the comfort that I so selfishly indulged in now non-existent. Rahr. I'm going to sing "Miss you Love you" all night. Yeah definitely not discreet enough.

My heart is crushed,
By a former love.
Can you help me find a way
To carry on again?

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