Monday, September 8, 2008

Nothing's worse than when you know it's over

I find my heart is growing weak.

I hate that my holidays do not comprise of Pau or Buu simply cos exams have stolen them from me and I cannot steal them back. So I spend my days with the rest of my girls hanging out over coffee, spending more money than I make and saving each other from ourselves. Or even just alone with a book, people watching (or shall I say person) and rolling my tongue around. Or well, folding clothes. Ha. And yet I find myself slipping quite a tad into a routine, using PMS as an outlet (or shall I say excuse) for my angst and more aptly grieve. Maybe I am hitting menopause(!) Hahaha. God knows what exactly it is that's triggering these random burst of emotions but they tick me off considerably and yet I know it's a choice. I haven't been great at decision-making of late, yes I know you're disappointed in me Din. So am I but I made that choice so I'm to blame. Speaking of which, I also chose to run or more accurately to feign ignorance. I doubt it would've made an impact anyway seeing as how I have been left here with such ease it hurts. 

Today in the blink of an eye,
I'm holding onto something
And I do not know why 
I tried.

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