Friday, September 19, 2008

Discuss me over cigarettes

We're all addicted to something.

I hate working at the Baby section for multiple reasons. First, it's dull as hell. And folding tiny (Like seriously miniature) articles of clothing make me feel huge, and that's just not cool. And more importantly it makes me feel really old. I know I'm not actually that old seeing as I'm still sixteen and Din's turning eighteen in very very soon. Rahr. But really spending hours arranging and rearranging tiny clothes does nothing but serve as a reminding of how long ago it was that you could fit into something that small and how much harder life is now. I am wasting my life away and yet if I was a tiny toddler, I'd just be living it. Cos there's not a lot about me that's reminiscent of my younger days, expect perhaps my toy watch and we all know that it doesn't actually work! Hahaha. The only thing I'm grateful about is that I consider work one of the way I'm wasting my youth while adults are just living. Ha!

Can't say I'm sad to see you go,
Cos I'm not

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