Monday, September 1, 2008

It didn't hurt as much as when you left

Yes, I really pierced my tongue.

But what I can't believe is that it's already September. Well okay fine. There was a lot of spit and the piercing bit hurt like a bitch for me, and I can't pronounce anything with a 'th'. It's still pretty swollen and I'm fucking starving cos I can't ingest anything solid. But I did it. And if you think I'm crazy then well, get in line. But I did it, I fucking did it. So if you thought I wouldn't dare or if you told me not to get it, then.. Aw too bad(:

HAHAHA I'm insane. But August; Projects ending, exams, parties, chalets, Baybeats, Boys like Girls, Lobster crab and champagne, and some of the best company I could ask for. So it went better than July, heck probably even June. It's a wonder how I find the fact that it actually did slightly unbelievable; or maybe the word I'm look for is sad. Haha. September seems to be a tad bleak but I'm feeling strangely okay with that. All this does me more damage than good anyway. Well a lot of things do me more damage than good but I did them all. A lot has changed since the last September holidays when Din and I spent five consecutive days together. I know they say not to live like that but I regret a lot of things, especially those that put me here. Now all I need to do is figure out where exactly here is. It's way too late for my to comprehend what I just said.

Your voice was the sound track of my summer,
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder.

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