Friday, September 26, 2008

Didn't think I'd miss her that much

I don't need to be reminded that everything is over. Don't need to know that holidays are half done. Don't need to know that I'm working three days straight. Don't need to remember that I have to jostle with half the world to get back. Don't need to be reminded this is the fucking weekend JC people get off. Don't care that everyone will be out except me and well.. Din. Don't need to face the thought of going back to school again. Don't need to be told my paycheck's not going to be very big. Don't quite give a fuck that I'm about to impale another hole in myself. Don't wanna think of the dates and what it'll hinder. Didn't need to be told I'm the only one. Don't even wanna begin to grasp the fact that my birthday's coming and that everything will be so different. Don't wanna remember that I'm just not a kid anymore. Don't care bout my responsibilities and blahblahblah. Don't wanna know about that girl. Don't wanna deal with any of this right now. Don't wanna face the extent of the damage. Especially don't wanna be reminded that September is ending and that another month has pass me by and that my life is still quite meaningless. I just wanna let it go. Thank you. 

My heart is aching.

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