Friday, April 27, 2007

Runaway love

Shouldn't we be studying?!

Damn it. Are we really? This is getting pretty useless. I can't focus, I can't concentrate, I can't do ANYTHING properly.. All i can think of RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. I just want to die. I just want my thoughts to die. I just want you to die. i HATE this.

So I've been blog hopping and am wondering why everyone seems to be trying to relive their primary school days. It's interesting how people release stress huh. By trying to go back to the old times where it was simpler and happier. Wow. it's really too bad we can't. There are so many things I would like to change. Like maybe my attitude. my posture definately. Funny how i cant seem to think of anything else. I guess I learnt something from everything. I do wish I can fast forward though... to AFTER the Os.. when I dont look perpetually(sp) tired or worried, when I no longer have to retain any form of educational facts and when I no longer have to go to school.

I was having a bad day today. It was a long hard day. Sounds dumb but i can't talk about it. Hmm.. My mood swings are not pretty. I'm really starting to think that my prediction will come true. that after the fucking Os i'd realise that i no longer have any friends, and no it doesn't sound really far fetched because i AM seeing it happen to people who WERE once my friends too.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just seriously stressed. Funny thing is I'm stressed that I'm NOT stressed about my mid-years. get it? Like.. i STILL don' feel the heat. and Im taking a Prelim paper too. RAH. And i still CAN'T FOCUS. I'm trying.. but i'm not as effecient as last year. AND no matter how hard i try.. i can't stop thinking about other non-related stuff that seems to be obviously plaguing me. ha. as in, apparently it's pretty obvious that im tired/stressed/wrought with thought.. even my tuition teacher asked if I was ok.

I guess I'm done here. I'll see YOU after the exams. In the meantime, study hard loves.

Forced to think that hell is a place called home
Nothin else to do but get her clothes and pack
She say shes about to run away and never come back.

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