Saturday, April 7, 2007

Guess who?

Due to incredible boredom, I shall like.. blog again. It;s like, one o clock, and I've got ballet at two thirty so there really isnt much i can do in such a small space of time.

Just got back from Drama, Ethel and I worked on our bits with ms kang and mr Ng for two full hours. it could have one on even longer if ethel didnt have to leave. I never knew there could be so much depth and defination for such a shallow and somewhat superficial role. wow, what a juxtaposition. Hmm.. I'm glad we went today, there really was A LOT of work being done, i dont think we've dissected our roles so much before. YAY! we are slowly, but surely, getting there. The sticks have to come back early on monday though, to work with ms kang cos Mel couldnt make it today. Dang.

My tummy feels weird, and i really don't think it was my lunch. I'm so tired. Tired of everything, tired of trying, tired of the chaos, tired of the stress, tired of the pressure, tired of the impact that it has on my life. No, im not talking about drama. I am, however, tired of having to constantly remind myself that it will soon be over and to cherish every single moment, because i can't. I still can't grasp the fact that it will soon be over. But it's not just that. it's EVERYTHING. Today i found out something, that i had been left out of some form of thing, and you know what? Im not hurt, I'm not angry... i'm not even surprised! I'm.... okay with it.. because truthfully, i would have turned down the invitation anyway, citing some crappy form of excuse. I can't do this anymore. I can't pretend that i care anymore, because i don't. After it's all over, that's just about the end of us. I'm not even going to try anymore, because it suddenly hit me, that you really ARE a two-faced bitch. Try as you may to put yourself out as a generous nice GENUINE person, but.. it's not working out for you. People know what you;re really like, I know what you're like, and most know. And that's all that matters.

Hmm.. Got this off Seventeen
1) Bitter Frenemy :- She takes delight in hearing about the failures of others, but when faced with her own set of problems, always puts the blame on someone else and wants everybody to take pity on her.

2) Competitive Frenemy:- Most of us would have encountered such a frenemy at some point in our lives- the one who's determined to be better off than you in all ways possible. Don't expect her to acknowledge your accomplishments. To her, you probably had it easy or just got lucky. But if she beats you in something, she'd shove her success down your throat.

3) Self-absorbed Frenemy:- The self-absorbed frenemy is not interested in surrounding herself with friends, but rather, fans, who would be more happy to hear her talk only about herself. She's known to break promises, forget important things about you. but suddenly becomes your best friend when your help or company is needed.

Sounds failiar? :)
I'm perfectly okay.
SYF: 3 days
Drama sessions left: 1
Ballet exam: 8 days
Sessions Left:3

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