Tuesday, April 24, 2007



Yes dearies.. it's a fucking GOLD! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WE DID IT!!! :DD

HAHAHA.. The results came at the most unglamarous of times.. TWELVE O CLOCK LAST NIGHT! WHAT THE FUCK! HAHAHAHA.. ms kang msged din and buu and rae at like 12.(Which means she had the results this WHOLE TIME.) haha.. i was fast asleep.. then buu called me.. and I KNEW it was the results.. BUT I DIDNT PICK UP! TWICE! HAHAHA.. i thought it was a fucking dream, bcoz iHAVE been dreaming of that happening.. haha.. then din callled and i got so annoyed i picked up...

"Bi.. are you sleeping?"
"we got a gold"

HAHAHAHAHAHA... then we just laughed and screamed for like.. 10 mins. haha.. then i called ANNE.. who even more fantastically.. I didn't even have to say hello! she just picked up and went..

"anne..anne..ANNE! SHUT UP. WE GOT*pause* A FUCKING GOLD"

HAHAHAAH...THAT went on for like..15 mins. :) HAHA.. then i called buu.. cos i like forgot that she called me.. sry buu :) HAHA

"Hello abu?"



then after a while.. ETHEL CALLS.. and so i put buu on hold..

"Hello abigail?"

HAHAHAHA... we laughed SO HARD that i forgot that buu was on the other line and she hung up on me!! HAHAH.. it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUUUUUUNNNNNN!!

Then i called joy and.. er... i think you get the picture... HAHAHA :))

SO imagine this. 10 to 15 girls sitting in their own homes, by themselves, SCREAMING AND LAUGHING AND JUMPING AROUND and in some cases CRYING... ALONE! HOW UNGLAM!! HAHAHA... oh my god. it was BRILIIANT! it was FANTASTIC! WHOOT! hahaha.. thanks buu and din for calling me FIRST :)) I LURRRRVVEEE YOUUU! HAHA..

wow. i wonder if all that made sense.. HAHAHA... i swear i will NEVER forget that night. after a while i called buu back again and decided to leave my room to go downstairs to get food cos i was hungry.. at one in the morning yes. HAHA.. and then.. my dad yelled at me for still being awake. while i was on the phone. HAHA.. ooops. Buu laughed at me. it was mean :( HAHA.. i had a couple of chips while we laughed and talked.. and then went to bed at one thirty.

Yesterday was actually one of the WORSE DAYS OF MY MONTH! HA. first of all.. we ALL knew the results were coming in that day so NO ONE could focus. AT ALL. and the stupid pfa office was being useless by giving us useless information. like how it was initially gonna come by a phonecall..then that became a post.. then a fax.. then a post again. and then an E MAIL.. ASSHOLES. I myself went to check with them FOUR times ALL DAY. HAHA.. During history, we had a free period and i couldnt even study. i just DIED. and then SS.. usual shit. i kept waiting for din to come with the results so everytime someone walked by i'd jerk up to check, but alas, nothing. Then recess.. god. we were all so FUSTRATED that anne even FORGOT to pay for her food. Hhaha.. then three periods of bio and i didnt do ANYTHING. it was BAD! i couldnt concentrate so i slept. WOW. haha.. then chinese class..er..yeah. after school we had physics which wasnt too bad.. then sonia and i dragged cheong to Gelare with us to erm.. study. HA. then cheong left and sonia and i had a Looooonng intense talk about EVERYTHING and how stressed we were and what not and the results and shit and that made me feel like fuck. and when we found out choir's results.. i was gonna snap RIGHT THERE. so i had ice cream for dinner. and then my tummy felt BAD.. you know that bad feeling? so i felt horrid all day. until that night :) HAHAHA.. that made my day BEAUTIFUL! :))

Today was brilliant, it was FANTASTIC, it was awesome exceptional perfect excellent fabulous ace superb terrific wonderful amazing smashing swell marvalous magnificant divine swell stupendous sensational. In a word? it was GOLD. :)

HAHAHA.. yaay. i hadnt been in such a good mood in erm. EVER. hahaha..i came to school and SCREAMED and HUGGED EVERYBODY! hahaha.. i was greeted with sonia and a whole group of drama girls crowding around. haha.. mrs joseph even saw and closed one eye and went on to yell at someone else.. HAHA.. coolness! then Anne caught me smiling to myself.. again and again. Then when they asked us to stand up, sonia anne and i cheered for oursleves! HAHA.. we had chem..NO TEST! none of us studied anyway.. HAHA.. and then we had e maths.. i fell asleep! hAHAHA.. i was really very tired i mean.. the results came in LATE.haha.. blah blah blah.. school was pretty normal..i was..of course.. in a GREAT mood and so i laughed. A LOT. During English, we didt even do ANY WORK. we were supposed to do group work and shit but we er.. didnt.. haha.. we all started throwing things at each other and what not and caused a HUGE commotion. HAHA.. oops :)

HAHA.. I'm so happy :) I'm delirious with joy. NOTHING can destroy my day. no. not even how gross and tired i look, not even when ppl stole hugs from me, not even when i got attacked by people all around me, not even when i did NOTHING during bio, not even when i had to go for tuition, not even when i think of.... er.. yeah. :)) Hahah.. i wonder if this makes sense. I cant even concentrate on this anymore. hahaha.. Im so proud of drama. Im so glad ALL our hard work paid off :) And im sorry if i scared anyone by saying that there was a possibility of COP. I was scared and worried. But now I'm ecstatic.

HAHAHA.. can you count the number of smiley faces i have used?! hhaha

And this is what I've been waiting for for the past four years :)

Remember, Drama loves you :)

We've come full circle.

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