Thursday, April 5, 2007



This was actually quite an odd week. Today was a funny day. like.. a LOT of bad things happened, but i was in a good mood, so everything seemed pretty funny.. Like when i thought dode fucked up the computer in CME class and lost all our work. Turns out the moron just disconnected some wire thing. OR when i fucked up my a maths test really REALLY bad, it was pretty pathetically amusing coz my answers were so far off it was FUNNY. Oh, and like, buu got her arm STUCK in between the window grills, it was fucking hysterical, she looked like some odd form of animal trying to rescue it's paw from the evil clutches of METAL! ORwhen i fucked up the chem test, hmm.. nothing funny about that, but like the great energy coming from cheong and buu (Y to the U to the P)just made it better. OR even when i had to talk to the fucking Chinese HOD, I am now a member of the Band two class, but i dont have enough energy to go into detail about the fucked up chinese teacher conspiracy that goes on behind our backs.

RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! That bitch of a Joy BANNED me from tagging her tagboard. *pout* Asshole. I shall find MORE bad pictures to put up of you! Oh yeah, I know something you don't know. :) ANYWAY, i was supposed to abuse the fear that the sec ones have for me today by talking to them about certain issues with Din but they left. HMMM... now i have to do it on monday. Dang. I miss Drama, and i haven't even left yet. Hmm.. We're coming back again on Saturday. VOLUNTARILY! WHOOT! I guess the pressure of Indian Dance's achievment is starting to get to us. On the bright side, we're really improving, attitude-wise, EVERYTHING. Let me have an Anne moment, YAYNESS! Haha. oh my god, i got called like..a mini-cheong today by poseur-jock. it was gross. and i am disturbed. and it is odd. i can't accept it. I can spell better than that. HAHA..

I just reread what I just typed. I don't think I;ve been in this good a mood for a long time. and i don't know why. But i like it. It;s fun! This was such a candid post. I just typed whatever I felt. It's quite random. I barely understand.

The pressure is ON.
Drama Sessions left: 3


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