Friday, April 20, 2007

Short and sweeeeet

Yes.. while everyone else is in school.. here i am BLOGGING. Ha. I'm having my damn ballet exam today so i guess it's fair. I am going through much emotional distress! I've got a mere five and a half hours left! And straight after it i have bloody tuition. BLEAH. ALSO.. we're speculating that we might get our SYF results TODAY. Scary stuff. I really don't want to miss it... Hmm.. i shll try not to think about it..

So anyway.. ethel is being a fool. Yesterday we found out(although im sure it's pretty obvious) that I have more common sense than her.. see.. we had this CME test (yeah I know..) and mrs lim said all you need is common sense.. so ethel promptly turned around and stated that she made more common sense than me! Haha.. then she screwed up the test... HAHA.. typical. (:

Yesterday.. sonia got irritated with me when i cornered the last lemon tart at starbucks and ate it. HAHA.. she clearly doesn't understand the rules of calling it. HAHAHA.. oops (:

Haha.. i also want to thank all you lovelies who have wished me well for my exam.. Joy ethel raquel buu din cheong sonia and all you people in between that i'm just a little too lazy to type(: SOOO SWEEEEET.. I LOVE YOU ALL.. er.. well maybe not sonia.. HMM..

Wow. what a useless post.

Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey.

Ballet exam:5 hours ):

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