Sunday, April 8, 2007

Smallish Dreams

Bleah. There goes my long weekend :(

Just got back from Centrepoint. (Like who goes there anymore?) haha.. I went shopping! I got new underwear! I am happy. OH! I also went to Starbucks and am now a proud owner of the pink valentine's day tumbler! YES! My tumble-based dreams have been fulfiled! Now to move on to BIGGER and BETTER things, like my SUNGLASSES-based dream! I will one day own those sexxxxyyy sunglasses I saw.. mmmmm... Interested in lending me $30?

Haha.. i did like..nothing all weekend and im feeling horrid. AGAIN. Ballet was trash yesterday. I was so thrown off by my evil asshole contacts that i died . this sucks. Only two more sessions left. What am i gonna do with myself? *sigh* I;m really not ready. I mean.. i;m not even just saying it this time, i actually mean it, Im actualy scared. Everything is on standstill.

Concert band's SYF is tomorrow. good luck girls! Which leads me..(yes..ONCE AGAIN)

DRAMA! Just scroll down for those who are sick of listening to me whine. RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! SYF is coming SOO soon. and we're still not there yet. This is cutting it WAAY to close. Our stick scene is currently in a huge ass mess. So many changes. we have to go back to school early tomorrow to practice and add mel in. Hmm.. I hope ms kang doesnt like..forget about us. Strangely enough, i'm not feeling that excited or even nervous about it. Right now, i just wanna get it over and done with, which is NOT what drama is about. it's about.. wanting it, the hunger for the spotlight, the moments we have on stage. I guess I'm full. This is highly odd. All i can imagine when i think of the whole thing is.. the aftermath, how we might be crying and dying, and not being on stage and all. *sigh*I just hope we get it spot on. I still can't deliver this line properly "Yeah perhaps that was her. Maybe she got so tired of being bullied everyday that she just..ran away" Sounds easy righT? But apparently i slur my words and i dont punch out the correct words. I feel like a moron ): Oh, and in case I don't have time.. i would just like to say Good luck to everyother cca and congrats for those that have already gone. And to drama SYF, Keep working at it, just keep that determination we have now and don't stop, dont give up. We can do it. I'm sure we can.

Remember me, once in a while, please promise me you'll try.

Sessions left: 1
Ballet exam: 11 DAYS
Sessions left:2

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