Saturday, April 14, 2007

Nothing but painful memories

Can you see me trying hard to be happy?

I guess i can't avoid it.

People keep bugging me to blog. I guess I shall. We just finished 2.4.. i think i did well.. i definately passed. My plan to run the last lapse to inspirational music failed bcos my brothers pod died on me. bitch.

I've never cried this much in three days before in my life. I emoted so much I don't even have the strength to cry anymore. And.. I'm still not ready to talk about SYF without dying so.. just go to Anne's blog. but i will say..that i cried out of fear, out of pain, out of utter disappointment and the mere thought of never going back to drama again.

Which brings me to yeaterday. t'was Friday the 13th. Coolness (: HAHA.. yesterday..we went back to drama..ONE. LAST. TIME. It was scary.. but i know i must document this day. Let's see.. first, we were in the drama room after "rushing" after tutorials.. Din and I talked to the sec 1s about issues while buu settled others. Then, we got chased out by modern dance. It was kinda funny actually cos all the seniors, we were so aangry that we couldnt have our last session in the drama room.. not that we blamed modern dance, we blame the fucking PFA. they are BAAAD men. We then moved on the the study area after much(too much) complaining. Then we did warm ups(one last time) and i almost teared up.. but i controlled myself of course. :) then we played a game! We had to come up with a musical thing in groups of bye to the theme of goodbye! Yes, we basically forced them to say bye.. HAHA.. my group of Nic Shaan chin phoa and ANNE(of course) and I did this really fun collection of songs, emotion and hand actions included! It was GREAT! SOOOOOOOO FUNNY! then we performed and mel and rae took videos of it all. HA. I was actually going to cry watching buu's group..but then it got so funny i just couldn't. Then Vanjil talked to us and then we started holding hands,. and when she got to the part on how we'll be leaving.. EVERYONE started to cry... ALL the seniors quite a number of juniors actually. hhmm.,, justin sat awkwardly as we laughed and cried and hugged each other. Then we watched the Detention skit.. erm.. yeah. After that.. Justin started talking to us about us leaving and all that jazz :) and we got fogged out! HAHA.. they started fogging downstairs and we didnt want to die.. so we moved(again) to the hall. it was about 6.30 at that time so we gathered.. and initiTED the new committee members.. YAAAYYYY. i screamed and cheered SOOOO much for EVERYYYONE! Yes, miss JOY.. avoiding my gaze.. tsk tsk. HAHA.. I actually like FORGOT who was going to be my successor.. HAHA.. sorry la ROSIE.. i givng you money leh! HAHA.. Then we stayed til like 730 just talking to the new committee until we were chased out cos SOME IDIOT *coughrosiecough* kept her mom waiting for like OVER AN HOUR! Moron la. In the end joy sonia din and i went to starbucksfor a congratulatory dinner :) Some sec 5 girl whispered (very loudly) that she diddnt like me.. wow.i care. AHA. i had a lemon tart :) AND u got a 30cents discount. Sonia was being racist. Joy was being emo anf d Din was being din.

So that was it. that was my last day of drama. EVER. I doubt i wilL EVER forget that day. Like the day I got initiated into the committee last year . i will NEVER forget that day either. In the ..4 hours yesterday.. i completely forgot my emotional disarray and just enjoyed myself in what was truely the BEST drama session i EVER had. that is..much llike the memories..somthing i will cherish forever. But i know i mustn't cry anymore.. i must be happy.. happy that i have had the oppurtunity to experience the wonder that is SAC drama, happy thinking of all the great times i've had.. happy that i got to know such wonderful people.. happy to know that i didnt go through all that i did for nothing.. and most importantly happy that i will always have the memories :)

This was from our fantabulous farewell party for Fran's batch. We deserve a FANTASTIC party too.. right Randi?!

SEXXXYYY. This was Syf camp :)

STICKS. :) Miss Kang called us the three hearts that day. HAHA..

SYF day itself.. ran to the chapel to take photos. Ihave like the worse posture in the world. Can you see me?

AND of course. our darling NEW president...

JOY! YAY. I apologise if i put you through much emotional stress and tears but i think you know i lubx euxxx.. HAHA :)
Do your best ok.. Be strong :) And you better keep your promise to me.

Dont be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
cause Ive seen the dark side too

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