Thursday, April 19, 2007

I can't be thankful


My life is over. Yes. There is no denying it. we got our progress cards today and i'm NOT impressed with myself. well.. actually to an extent.. but STILL!! It's pretty damn bad. i improved from last time but im not improving at a fast enough rate. and for the subjects that im deproving in.. BLEAH. dont even ASK. AND AND AND.. on top of that.. my ballet exam is in.. what...TWENTY HOURS?! FUCK. i even have to miss lessons tomorrow! OH.. and let's not forget that we still have yet to get our syf results back.. the pressure just seems to be piling on and on.. what with MORE results getting anounced..

Why does everything come at th same time? I miss having drama.. ): I really don't feel ready for the stupid fucking exam tomorrow ): AND i;m losing out to stupid stupid people ): What do I do now?!

Morning rain clouds up my window, I can't see at all

Ballet exam: 20 hours

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