Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More food for thought


The past few days have been spent deep in thought, contemplating the meaning of life and the colour of jelly beans and what not :) I'm still oh-so-very confused.. and slightly disturbed and a tad fearful.

Yesterday was uber boring.. right up until pasu and i went to MPL.. it was bad. i do not enjoy that place. it irritates me beyond belief. we had a long rather unpleasant conversation. haha.. it's funny how ALL our conversations ends in us discussing lesbianism of some form. We made like.. 5 pinky-promises.. out of which i forgot like..3. OOOPS :) HAHA.. I had coffee and i blame it for making my stomach feel uncomfortable and making me feel cold...

I was really upset yesterday.. from fucked up results to unreasonable expectations, BAD coffee and out right dissing. THAT was really something else. SOO i wrote a poem! It's not that great but i think i shall post this here ANYWAY,..

The autumn leaves, they fall in pain.
It's getting darker than it should.
The roses in my heart, they pine
For your presence and how it soothes.

mmm... today was much better. My dad called the school to complain about the chinese teachers expecting me to do homework for BOTH band two and three.. I've almost successfully stopped thinking about what **** said about us and the coffee wore out. YES PASU. haha.. Din and i had half-price tuesday at Gelare and i saw an old friend of mine. (: We attempted to study as well.. we had counselling twice today. both were pretty much boring but it's kinda set me to thinking..

DAMN. I've been thinking a lot lately.

I need someone who really sees me

Ballet exam: 3 days

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