Sunday, March 27, 2011

You won't believe what I tell you

So I seem to be under the illusion that I am going somewhere with my life but I still remain jobless and school-less. Hurhur. Stupid applications are just so fucking tedious and to be honest, it secretly upsets me that I feel like I'm settling. Ugh. Last night was quite a ride; some random event -> Red Dot @ Dempsey (lol) -> Zouk where this stupid girl was touting me out to every cute boy she saw. -.- Asses were squeezed and glares were glared but it's all in good fun I guess. Last night also saw the epic question/introduction that I fucking resent. It has literally been like a fucking year and I still have yet to shed that image. Ugh x2. Honestly, every time it comes to the topic of networking I always feel a slight prick of resentment because along with everything, I also lost my biggest contact. Hurhur. I guess that is one of the reasons why people expect to be friends or at least not have negativity between them. Hmm. Speaking of which. Wow I don't even know where to start with this. I am determined to keep our relations drama-free but that's already not working out. I fucking hate being lied to but I can't trust any of your words, as I remember from previous overly-dramatic and childish experiences. -.- And although completely out of line, I do truly admire your ability to put yourself out there like that. If I had half the amount of guts, I might've been a lot happier than I am now. I've just been talking the talk about not wanting to regret my actions but I haven't exactly been walking the walk. Well, actually I haven't been talking but aaaah formalities.

Loose tongue and arrogance,
It's not appropriate

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