Sunday, March 6, 2011

to break or bury

Man, it's really been a long time. Tonight, I am feelin' reminisce-y about the fact that it has been three whole years since the beginning of what they call higher education. But just really about myself of course. My dearest girl asked, do you think you've changed in the last three years? And really, how can anybody say no to that? Although I do stand by what I say that, in a lot of ways, I've really just changed back to the way I used to be. Mentally and emotionally... stable. A lot more independent and if I may say so, a lot stronger. Moments of weaknesses are inevitable but few and far in between these days. In the last few years, I have fallen so many times it's stupid. Though I obviously have a different perception of who you are (despite what everyone says) but that will always be the way I choose to see you. I am just reacting the way you would (: Hurhur. And yet in situations like this, I still stop to ask myself what you would tell me to do if we were still comfortable. When I look back, I never think I've wasted my youth because of everything we did together. No time for regrets though. And well the last one.. was just a lesson of what never to do. Surprisingly, I really grew a lot from that.. experience? Hurhur. As much as it can get tiring for me to remain positive nowadays, I really do enjoy it a lot more than being stuck in a (for lack social boundaries) slut cycle. Victory is in the mind. I'm sure this will eventually backfire on me but right now this is what I need to keep my head up.

I am leaving, this is starting
To feel like it's right before my eyes

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