Monday, March 28, 2011

Go ahead and sell me out

So just to make things clear, yes this one's for you. Now, I've always struggled to understand the way your mind works but I've never been this... bewildered before. First of all, I know you are lying to me. And that already puts you at a disadvantage. But really, one of the most basic problem is your complete and utter lack of social boundaries. There are just some things you're just gonna have to learn to keep to yourself. Especially if the things you say and the way you behave affect other people. Then of course, your ridiculous over-sensitive thing which makes you a million times more difficult to be around than a group of over-sensitive pre-teen girls in drama. Yet for someone this painfully sensitive, you are also painfully self-absorbed. Ugh. Why is wanting things between us to at least be on a good note SO MUCH to ask for? But I guess it really just is and well, that is that. Thinking back, I really just... wonder about you. Like I wonder how you function like this. Ugh. And as usual, I end up being the bad guy. I really think that you need to reconsider the people you consider your friends because I am hearing a lot of things that both you and I can do without. To be honest, I struggle to understand why 1) it's any of their business 2) I am the bad person because.. you are no longer my responsibility. I've seen this run smoothly before and honestly, I truly understand how you feel and where you're coming from. But it's really not an impossible social situation but I guess it's too much to hope that you at least act pleasant. And although I probably could've seen it coming, I am still disgusted by how bad it got. Bet you can't wait for her to get back now.

Baby, I have no story to be told,
But I've heard one on you and I'm gonna make your head burn

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