Thursday, April 30, 2009

I ran into the flames

I know the past two weeks have been absolute killer and we're both tolled in every possible way but somehow we're still here. Words that were once hollow have started taking shape and form, but never sappy and unbelievable, no? As much as I would have normally preferred to be sedated each time a barrier starts forming between us, I chose to suck it up and face it full frontal (and sober) and if that doesn't say something to you I don't know what will. In all honesty, we fueled the flames ourselves with repetitive lapses of judgement and bitchy words and shouting matches and thus came to the point where we or I just couldn't do it anymore. It's one thing to play with it and another to be completely engulfed. And while I still have about nine million and three things to say to and about you (and possibly vice versa) , I am glad that we tried over and over again to patch the disconnections despite being emotionally K.O.ed. And this is about as sappy as I get so happy days for you, Adam Sanusi.

So quit your life 
and stay with me.

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