Friday, April 17, 2009

I feel like your not okay with seeing her because your not really over her

So I am back from the land of dumplings and dumpees. Hurhur. In the short span that I have been gone splurging and urging, I've realized that I have become so jaded that it is impossible for me to believe anything anyone says to me anymore. Even after the ever-so-lovely surprise, I allow passing remarks to slip like knives across the sea. It's almost like my skin is encrusted in this beautiful green stone, protecting and guarding me from any possible warmth or harm. And on return to red bull vodka, I learnt that loneliness is indeed a universal language, one that ironically pulls people together. People connected by nothing but emptiness and desperation. Need, need to need, need to be needed; an intricately carved relationship scale (Or line rather). We've been off for too long and I don't want it to make anyone else in my life off but it.. no, I seem to have sparked off something already. Great, just fucking great. Pride and doubt and fear and angst and apprehension and why-the-fuck-can't-we-just-be and just general having to be sober this time. Run run run BANG, but yes thanks for your fucking condescending maturity and wisdom anyway. *scowl. Sigh. I am on the fucking prowl on yet another hunt to kill the thing I love the most. Oh Bailey's Chocolate Mint, you have served me all too well.

There's nowhere to move on

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