Monday, April 20, 2009


Welcome back to Hell. So screw the hierarchy and all that cheering, I am positively brimming with school spirit. Hawhawhaw. Joke of the fucking century. I know I'm always cranky when school starts but well, I have no friends. Anyway I have been excessively bitchy and angsty of late. Let's just say that whatever it is, it better leave soon cos it's poisoning my fucking body. Excess. The prowl is a lot less vicious than I thought it would be simply cos I have too many other things to fret about. Like what to wear. And who to meet. Never underestimate how much it is that i truly abhor school and the torment it brings me. Sigh. Cheers to yet another miserable year of canned coffee and things I don't care about.

These words were never easier 
for me to say.

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