Saturday, April 4, 2009

My one and lonely

In an instant, the foundation which I have built my life on has been snatched cruelly from beneath my feet. Suddenly I find myself in a vortex of instability and I am more afraid than I have ever been. Universal reality; for once this is real and will affect my fucking life. And right now, the person whom I am supposed to depend on feels like one of the key weights tipping over my scale. Ironically you might also just be the only stable thing in my life right now?? Fuck. The aftermath of escapism and the morning after always leaves me sad and angsty cos somehow I can never run far enough to hide completely (though always too far from where I should be). Dawn breaks and I am hit with an obscenely overwhelming.. pang of loneliness. In weakness, I let it consume me and immobilize my being. For the first time in forever, I am reminded that I am indeed alone.

Well which would you prefer;
My finger on the trigger or
Me face down, down across your floor?

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