Thursday, April 9, 2009

We can live like Jack and Sally if we want

I suppose I should take the time to brighten this place up, though my mood seems to fluctuate nine million and three times more than my ATM balance. Today saw me sneaking out at the crack of dawn only to K.O. next to a dead-to-the-world Adam for four hours, awake to Frosties and some real company..ish. Hee(: Also, our search for buttons was futile but we all walked away with our own strange purchase so cheers to Yellow-town! Right now my thoughts (and dreams) are all over but what I can definitely place is this perturbing sense of anticipation I feel. Okay fine, dread. I smell change (probably one that comes with time and space) except this time I have no idea what to expect or how to handle it. More worryingly, I feel like I no longer have much to fall back on because my constants no longer feel.. constant. So that leaves me alone once again. It's almost funny how I'm still not used to this by now.

The angel from my nightmare.

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