Tuesday, December 4, 2007

So get back together, I honestly don't care.

I'm leaving for HONG KONG later and will only be back on the 10th(:

I feel like being decidedly random. So I SHALL! Buu Din and I are all going over the sea at around the same time. I really really hope I see Jessie and Buu at the airport on my way back so I can laugh at them while the laugh at me(: I hope Jessie bungee jumps so I can laugh at my brother. Ha. I randomly freaked out this morning about the very DISorganised planning of the Abnia party, which will resume(or BEGIN) once I get back. I slept for a total of twelve hours today(: I really really hope I don't die. I feel like having a donut. And possibly some coffee. He really scared the fuck out of me just now. Our Jumbo plan completely failed! FOOLS(: I have absolutely no idea how to get dumplings for people. I wonder if you'll miss me when I'm gone. Denial is so damn fun(: Maybe I need some more sleep(: Christmas is coming! And so is my birthday! :D

Yes, how very odd(:

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

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