Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I fake a smile so they won't see

Of course you've heard I'm back(:

Hong Kong was.. alright. It wasn't explosively fantastic, nor was it horrible. It was okay. Shopping and eating mostly. Food is the effing bomb(: Plus, stuff was relatively cheaper as well. Got stuff for some people, and will try to bluff my way through the others. HA. ha. ha ha. ha. oh.

I'm kinda really lazy, so I shall summarise. It was basically two full super-mario hours on the plane, spending tons of money even before we took off(oops), the endless search for good wanton noodles, taking the MTR around, donuts, locating outlet stalls, going crazy at H&M, every other person on the street smoking, almost being killed by an old lady, best thing on TV being Discovery Channel, people who keep to the right on the escalator, noise pollution, the incredible lack of testosterone, crazy crowded night markets, haggling just for the hack of it since HK$10 is only S$2, getting kicked out of taxis, Strange dreams, mean dreams, Starbucks-ing everday. the cute *oops* behing the counter, me constantly being in a Christmas-y mood, the private room and lobster, the shift of power, the sleeping in, me uncharacteristically realising that young Tom Cruise is kinda super hot, going there with 3 pairs of shoes and coming back with 5, the Singaporean line at the airport Krispy Kreme, the LACK of Super Mario on the flight back(!), the sudden wussing around, the realisation, the conclusion and finally the denial.

Well, you know.

Anywho, Ethel's party is tomorrows! Yeeaahh. Can't wait. Which also reminds me that.. ABNIA PARTY is in.. 17 days! YEEAAAHHHH((: Superly excited!

So so so!

This is what I see after constant promises from my father that Hong Kong is very advanced.

Coffee everywhere I go.

I told you Hong Kong is part of China!

South-China Sea.

Even though I look the other way

I get bored.

Where troubles melt like lemondrops

The tracks we leave behind


"The hotel car is unavaliable"

Poly is my new excuse


Donuts and Coffee

Through the clouds

And so I'm just supposed to move on with my life and pretend nothing has changed.

I’m all out of luck
All out of faith
I would give everything
Just for a taste
But everything’s here
All out of place
Losing my memory
Saving my face

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