Monday, December 17, 2007

Hours seem to disappear


As you would have already known, the party that Sonia and I are planning is happening.. NEXT SATURDAY ((: Yes yes, time passes oh too quickly. Anyway, as tons of you have been enquiring about it we have decided to be cheap and reach out to all of you via the very useful and very free internet access. Whoopdeedo.

Now, first and foremost, Sonia and I have only booked ONE room, mostly because they cost a fucking bomb there. If it doesn’t rain (Oh dear God I hope not) the party will be held outdoors. However, in the unfortunate event that it does, we would all be crammed into one tiny room (: Which brings me to the next part.

It IS a sleepover party, in some ways. Well, there is an incredible space constrain. So, we are hoping not EVERYONE decides to sleepover. However, due to the presence of alcohol, we very strongly encourage you to stay over if you are planning on drinking. (Assuming you’d be so gone we could shove you in the bathroom (: ) HA. Oh. But yes. So if you are, bring extra clothes.

Party starts at 6pm, as your invite would have stated. The theme, Vintage Glam, still withstands. This, of course, applies to the dress code (: Now, for those of you who have an incredibly limited vocabulary or something and for some strange reason have no idea what the fuck vintage is *coughJESSIEcough* KINDLY look it up on the internet (: And if all that turns up is Shakespearean wear, (yes indeed) it basically refers to the way people wore their clothes from maybe the 1920s to the 1980s. Pirates NOT included! Ha, This would mean high-waisted bottoms, psychedelic prints, old stuff and well, everything else in between. We would also like to inform you that although it is called Vintage Glam, we don’t actually expect you to come all dolled up like you were headed out for some gala ball or whatever. Keep in mind the location of the party. Come in casual-ler dresses or cute flirty skirts or something (: I would highly recommend that you consider comfort as well, yet still look somewhat formal. HA. Bet that didn’t help (:

Yes. Well, to be completely honest, Sonia and I, we uh.. haven’t exactly seen the place yet. Heh. Oh. So to be on the safer side, you should probably bring your swimsuit and a towel, just in case. Maybe an umbrella too. Uh… and a mat.

Oh yeah. Sorrow to all but, no boyfriends allowed. HA (:

The most important thing really, is the RSVP. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask your mommy and your daddy and confirm if you are gracing us with your presence or not. Obviously we hope that most of you will be able to make it and heck, it might even be slightly enjoyable! So, please request permission from your parents to join us and get back to us by this weekend. We have to plan quantity and everything remember? Oh, and also decide if y’all are staying over or not kay? And then inform either one of us.

Yeeeaaahh, Sonia and I are damn nerds (:

If you knew my story word for word,
Had all of my history,
Would you go along with someone like me?

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