Friday, December 28, 2007

She's not coming, but she is.

You might have forgotten, but it's Sonia's birthday! HA.

And I know she'll kill me for this, but you know(:

HA. HAHA. HA. HA. HAHA. oh. She owes me a ton of money and I will remain grouchy until I get it all.

I'm leaving for Sentosa. TOMORROW. DAAMMMNNN. The party we've been planning for uberly long is finally. going. to. happen! AND! I am really worried that it might not turn out the way we expect it to. And I'm SCARED): And Abu is away in some foreign land and i hate her): AND AND AND, right now at this point of time, nothing is working out.

Well, it's party time.

With or without you.

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