Sunday, December 16, 2007

More than just slightly confused


OH MY GOD. It was SO DAMN COOOOOOL((: See, we were just hanging out at the East Coast last night and stuff, star-gazing and all when it we saw it.. Haha.. We started going OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!? HAHAHAHA((: It was fucking unbelievable(: It was just..fantastic! We even made wishes :D

Well, we were only there cos of the supposed 4.6 Class reunion, which was such a fucking failure, as always(: HAHA. Only 8 of us turned up. The concert Band Girls + Dode + Jessie + Me. Ha, this is what we have been reduced to(: Had dinner at Laguna and was being left out cos the band girls were having their band talk while Jessie and Dode were.. being jocks. Ha. Not to mention I did something really stupid, I brought my camera.. but forgot my memory card. WOW. Hahaha. Food was good, I had two coconts(: Hahaha. Girl ah, girl...Satay arh girl. HAHAHA. oh.

So then we went to the beach to hang out and stuff, and we were being racist as always and played my usual games(: Funny funny. So the band girls were being nerds and went home to watch uh.. Asian Idol. Yeah, I know -.- ANYWAY, Jessie and I stayed til about two just hanging out, arguing whether neds or jocks were better, talking and laughing(: The stupid sky was damn super pretty,('cept for the Chinese star) it was quite cloudless, probably cos it rained or something.

So just now Din and I spontaneously hung out at Starbucks to catch up since she has china influences and I well.. have a life. HA. Strangely, the urge to study has completely disappeared(: now, it's really just about me enjoying life and thinking relatively short term. And I am absolutely loving it. Sundays are the best, and not the grouchy-i-have-homework-to-do-by-tomorrow kind, but the bumming-arond-and-watching-good-tv-and-hanging-with-my-awesome-friends kind(:

So anyway, we were talking about how everything before the Os feel like last year. So that totally makes you so last year(: HAHAHAHAHA. Damn that feels so fucking good(: wow, this is turning out to be one of the best weekends I've ever had. I STILL can't believe we saw a shooting star!

Betcha you wish you were there now huh?(:

Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Way above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

That's so cliche(:

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