Sunday, December 2, 2007

The prom we never had

Would you look at that? The week's up. Fancy that.

I'm too lazy to type about Rae's Las Vegas themed party last night. But all in all, it was great fun, as always(: Gambling, alcohol, dancing and just some shopping. Hee(: Din the man was my man cos Sonia had sonia, Pau had chris and Rae had gaRv. Dodee tried to buy me, and worked to an extent.. of course(: HAHA. But I have to say, Din was fab. Ha. Strangely, we all arived at the same time and the party began from there. And somewhere in the night, I lost an eyelash. HEE. After lots of great food, great fun, and of course, great company, everyone left the picking up to Rae and I. Apparently I never learn and always stay over. HAHA.. We put on funky Disco music and had to pick up every single piece of chocolate that I tossed at any open mouth I saw. HA. The next morning, which was just now, we put on christmas music and actually cleaned up while reminiscing and being sad about leaving it all behind, only to be frowned upon by Auntie Sherri for being so depressing in the morning. HAHAHA.

Oh and THANK to all who was making sure that I didn't have to much to drink last night, especially since Dode was around. HA. oh. It's great to know that y'all have my back and stuff even though I was having very little and still practically begging people to drink off me(: And even though I've practically been banned from any from my own damn party, I will control! HA. oh.

And now that it is FINALLY December, it is FINALLY acceptable to be in a christmas mood! YES! Oh and once I get back from Hong Kong, Sonia and I will be in full-on planning mode for the ABNIA parrrttyyy(: YES! Hahahaha..

It may be too late but it's super image-heavy!

My attempt at being a 50s swirl girl

False eyelashes are the bomb(:

Spy the pau!

So I don't ALWAYS look good(:

We all coincidentally ppeared with false lashes!(:

The crew

Caught in the act!

EW pasu. NO.

AWW.. Pau looks good(:

oh. Not 'nymore(:

Haha. You emo fool(:

I believe I am cool.

The sexy-ass prom date I never had(:


Love love love(:

The usual gang that I will miss with all my heart.


Keep your hands where I can see them

"I'm posing Mom" HAHAHA

Non-polka-dotted fool.

The power of Abnia

Uh...Pau?... ew. HAHAHA

HAHAHAHA. Sonia looks like an egg.

'Tis cool

Aren't I just the sexiest?(:

Why, hello there.

So I got hungry and wanted an egg(:

High-roller Dode.



Told you I was just sexy(:



"Why the hell is Rae dating a guy named GaRvin?"
"uh.. it's Gavin"


I lost.


Stay away from me if you know what's good for you.

Hong Kong: 1 Day!!

When the light falls on your face,
Don’t let it change you
When the stars get in your eyes,
Don’t let them blind you.

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