SO. If you haven't already heard, Sentosa was FUCKING AWESOME. Like, beyond brilliant. It was the best damn weekend of the entire fucking year. And spent with the people I know will always be there for me and with me(: I love you all and thanks so much for making everything work out and helping me all the way even though I was being the grouchiest person on the face of the earth(: And thanks for looking out for me and making sure I wasn't getting too drunk and stuff. Y'all float my boat! HAHA.
Everything was fucking fantasitc, from the tiny loser room, to the beach with pasu pau rae and din, to the accident pau had at the beach, to the one I had on the beach, to the hot guy rae thought was gross, to Pasu and I shamelessly oogling, to the awesome Thai dinner the first night, to the hell we had to go through with my brother andhis friends, to my brother and all four of his friends thinking their the shit but having to follow me all around Giant carrying my stuff and pushing my trolley, to "OI. STOP LES-ING AROUND!", to me totally blackmailing him into doing everything, to us locking them all out of my room and have them BEG me for shot glasses, to "WE'LL PAY YOU", to "NICHOLAS WANTS TO SAY SORRY", to me eventually winning(of course), to the lame card games we played, to the fucking awesome Baileys, to "eh shut up that one classic la", to "OI, my Mama shop outside la", to the soulja boy, to "THREE" *FLOP*, to the pool the next day, to the failure barbeque, to the getting ready, to the eye lashes, to the pau bringing the boyfriend, to the pasu who sucks balls, to my THREE CROWNS, to the fucking awesome party, to the most hilarious game of twister EVER, to the paint on the floor, to the "STAY INSIDE THE ROOM", to the four hour wait for pizza, to the surprise the concert band girls had (EW), to me wanting to lock them out but only letting them in cos Audrey threatened me with presents, to the best surprise of the night, BUU who was NOT in the Maldives(asshole),to me CRYING when she emerged from behind the cardboard and balloons, to the beautiful cake, to the first shot sonia and I had, to the present opening, to me ripping apart Audrey's present only to realise it was all newspaper, to the eventual dancing of the band girls, to Soulja boy AGAIN, to telling Jessie that there were no signs in Sentosa and that she should follow her instincts, to Din and I having a quiet talk in the toilet, to the bands girls each having a very pathetic sot each of vodka, to "Is it my birthday yet?" every five minutes since 9pm, to the yelling at dode then apologising five minutes later, to me saying "OI! I'm sorry it's so HOT IN HERE(:", to Emo Jessie, to gangsta jessie, to Rae giving me a lap dance, to me begging rae and Din to stop cleaning up and have fun, to us beating Audrey up, to the fucking awesome presents I got,to the birthday shot of baileys, to Jessie getting drunk(HIL-ARIOUS) to the Sonia PUKING leaving me to be the reigning champion who has yet to retch due to alcohol, to the non-stop dance party we had once the band girls left, to the Dode move, to Truth or Dare and me being picky about my dares and not answering my truths, to Din's hair attacking me in my sleep, and to the horrible morning after, and especially to all my girlfriends who have truly made this the best party I could have EVER asked for(:
Now shut up and eat your heart out(:
See what I had to carry?
All while looking impossibly cute(:Yeah baby
This would have been a cool shot if I wasn't mid-speech. HAHA
The power of Sunnies(:
I think I'm the shit
Fucking awesome(:
The ones that made it all possible(:
I slapped it on!
It's fucking cool
HAHAHAHA. Her very own "shuttap" moment
My new best friend(:
Glam, Kooky, Indie.
COFFEEE(; Still.
Disco Vodka baby
One shot was all it took.
Thanks Babe(: It rocked my socks:D
I broke my cup and had to scotch tape it back together-.-
How many times do I have to tell you? IT'S MY PARTY AND I WILL CRY IF I WANT TO. So i DID(:
My sexy 20s cousin-IT tassel dress(:
Din's 60's Hippy silky dress
ABNIA, Sonia in her huge dress
Rae in her 50s dress
My failure blinged out shades(:
This. is. Fucking. adorable.
A sad attempt to capture the way the tassels move
Matching crowns, courtesy of Rae
No dode, No jocks, No smoking and No boyfriend. Broke three rules.
Oh I love my reject all the same(:
Home-made twister, seriously
"Which foot is left again?"
The drawing needs to be updated
ew ChEW
I gave Jessie a car, and she lost it. So I beat her up. And Ethel helped(:
Audrey got drunk on uh..4%.
Dance the night away
Fuck this is cool
Hey Jo!
We beat her up.
I love you buu(:
Sonia's really cool poster
Pencils from Wee(:
Audrey's turn
"Oh my god. They better not be what I think they are"
"If they are erasers I'll kill you"
They were erasers. HAHAHA
Thank to present from Aussie(:
Matching pyjamas from Ethel(:
Can you see the greed? HAHA . I won(:
Sonia's present!
AWWW(:I'm all content(:
Group hug!
EW. Sex face.
And it gets worst. HAHA
"Put all the trash in this bag"
Gangsta la.
More Abnia Don't you think I look cool? HAHA
Dode had MULTIPLE paris Hilton moments.
Not drunk yet(:
Sexy huh?(: HAHA
Still can't believe she came(:
Don't ask(:
Ah-pek moment. AHAHA
Thanks for everythinng babes(:
Jessie's cool hat which everyone stole to cam whore in(:
So everyone dies, and I'm the only one whose still drinking(:
The clock struck Twelve, BIRTHDAY SHOT(:
Fuck, it's still weird. I don't know.
Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks for letting me go out in such a bang!
Because there ain't no party,
Like a party going on in my house.
Better believe that it's gonna be the biggest night of the year!