Saturday, June 16, 2007

Trying to love a wild thing

"You musn't give your heart to a wild thing. The more you do, the stronger they get, until they're strong enough to run into the woods or fly into a tree. And then to a higher tree and then to the sky. "

Yes, I am watching 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' again. Audrey Hepburn is gorgeous.. You gotta love the early 60's eh? Fashion then was just amazing. Mmm..

So yesterday was the drama comittee training thing at the HDB blocks opposite school.. Yes I was the only loser who wore school uniform cos someone conveniently forgot to tell me not to. heh, thanks. Haha.. oh! we were playing with a stray cat that eerily resembled the kitten we found when we were in Sec 1.. It was white with brown and black patches.. I think it was the same one too, cos I don't recall any of us keeping the kitten in the end. Cool (: Anywho, Din Buu and I made them play games and such.. They really are a lovely bunch. I hope we taught them something useful then. (:

I know I should be doing homework, but I just thought you'd like to know..

I: sometime wonder why the baby toe is called a baby toe.

But: then again, why is a toe a toe? Haha..

I am: craving Ham

Oftentimes: I sing songs that remind me of you

Who would have: thought that I was a cat person (:

My: toilet has a wall that is hot pink

There is: something seriously sexy about waffles, no? (:

Candy hearts(very aptly named 'sweethearts') :Make me smile (:

Not a big fan of: Ugg boots.

I'd rather: have iced tea than coffee

I should: really be spending my time more productively.. haha..

I had: fish and chips for dinner

Feeling: like having a Banana

No one: has seen Moulin Rouge as many times as I have (:

I think: coffee ice-cream is love

Who doesn't: think Johnny Depp is hot? (:

Why: aren't I on some luxurious beach soaking up the sun?!

Are: you sure it's already June?

Sometimes: I wonder what random people are doing at the most random of times.

If only: we tried harder.

I want: ice-cream!

Haven't been: clubbing in a while

I used: to think neurotic meant erotic. (it doesn't)

My: rubbish bin is orange.

Suddenly: I'm big on saving the environment (Reject plastic bags!)

A simple smile : can make my day

The most: breath-taking place on this earth is New Zealand!

Can't: wait til I get to go back to NZ (university-hunting?) (:

We're: trying to get tickets to Japan at the end of the year (business class no less) (:

My favourite: type of vegetable is corn!

I miss: oh. the lovely days in sec 2

Flowers: are fuN!

I adore: performing!

I: own one hat

You: were lovelier way back when.

I don't: take breaks, I give up.

My only vice: is coffee.

The ultimate indulgece: is peanut butter! or Depp! or Curry puffs! Haha

My: grandmother learns Taqi! Haha

I enjoy: watching Seinfeld

It's been: too long since I last saw a ton of people

Can't understand: why guys sag their pants

Hate it when: people wear sunglasses indoors (WAH, so bright!) Hahaha

Ideal guy: is thin, toned and tall(er than me). Tanned would be nice too (:

I can bet: my whole life would be different if I had more hair.

I: drink lots of juice

Haven't had: Macdoanalds in about 8 months

Right now: you're thinking of me (:

It's always times like these when I think of you
And I wonder if you ever think of me

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