Sunday, June 24, 2007

Forget yesterday

Hey stranger (:

School starts tomorrow. Someone tell me why I don't really mind. Haha.. and I haven't even finished my homework yet! Well, I'd probably be really cranky tomorrow morning actually.. Haha.. Well, i have to say that i studied more this holidays than I have in all the holidays combined. Hmm.. But then agan it's because I've never studied during the holidays before.. Haha.. ah well. No time for regrets then.

I'm watching 'Hottest 40 over 40' on MTV and I am waiting for Johnny Depp to come on. And if he doesn't. I. Will. Die. Haha..

What is wrong with Starbucks? On friday, sonia lily(that's ali to you.. haha) and I went to the airport to study and they kicked us out! like.. WHAT?! I was just there earlier that week, and the week before. So, I spend money there, and as soon as the more executive lunch crowd come in.. we're banished to chicken and biscuits?! What the hell man. There's even a sign which says "Happy Studying!" Uh huh. Sure.

HEY! Johnny Depp is #2 hottest 40 over 40!! YUM :D Haha.. Please. He's so much hotter than Demi Moore la. Haha..

Mmm.. School. Pffffft. I don't know what to feel. I don't know if I should be excited or irritated or nervous. I don't feel anything. I guess I'm kinda glad I'd get to see people again.. but then again I'd have to suffer countless hours of lecturing.. But then again I have three free periods tomorrow.. But then again, there's an hour and a half of tutorials.. But then again, tutorials might be good for you.. But then again, there's Chinese Orals coming next week?.. But then again we should really get started on revision.. But then again I'd have to wake up early..


I wish I could make it better for you, even if you never think of me.

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