Friday, June 29, 2007

No Chemistry

What a strange week it's been.

Why, hello. Yes it has been strange hasn't it? School's started and stuff, so it's back to the god forsaken classroom with the same bunch of morons. And it's not bad actually. I mean, I guess you could say it hasn't been the best of weeks because i pms-ed like i've never pms-ed before. It was horrible.. I can actually think of three different people that I've snapped at right off the bat in the last two days. And yes I really do apologise for that dearies. Other than the excess of hormones, I don't really know what hit me.

And of course the weather's been a fucking bitch lately. I mean, seriously. I cannot understand why the fuck it is that it's so bloody hot. It's a gross kind of hot. It's humid, and HOT. I can't stand it. It's disgusting, we have forty people shoved together in a smallish room with average ventilation for six consecutive hours, learning. FUCK. The people in China ain't got nothing on this.

But then of course the days were peppered with lovely doses of entertainment. Hmm.. let's see, I ring bells, steal pads, cut queues and had my secret inability to spell revealed. We lyn(HAHA) has someone in class stalking her, Ethel owes me peanut butter chocolate, Abu studies like there's no tomorrow, Dode owns a ladybug, Pau spent $70 on worksheets, Jessie sharpened my pencil, Sonia gives me soft cookies, Pasu makes gross faces in public and Cheong spells lingerie as what.. lindaurie?! HAHAHA.. I laughed so hard I cried.. So much for being our pride and joy, eh love? haha.. (:

Oh and thanks for all the good luck stuff I got today, especially the lovely post-it from the four morons behind me... i LOVE it :D

Other than that everythings been icky. Oh yeah. I had Chinese Orals today. heh. it was.. hmm.. uh... I waited 2.5 hours to screw up for 10 minutes. It was embarrassing. Like, I kinda got mixed halfway through my conversation and the teacher had to explain it to me again. And this would actually be a very hilarious story if it wasn't the fact that it is my actual Os. And yes, I am very, very upset. But instead of blaming myself like I know I should, I choose to blame evil teacher Heng, who tried to talk to me. Along the hallways, she wished my back luck as I rolled my eyes and walked away. and THAT is why I will fail. Just as it was with Chinese Paper 2. it's bad mojo.

It's been a tiring week. I wouldn't say it was a bad one. It was just.. strange. I guess I enjoyed coming back and seeing all these morons. But school's still school, and learning gives me a headache. I wish I could brag about how much I've studied, but I can't. i wish I could say I've made some kind of progress, but I can't. I wish I could say that at least I can put Chinese behind
me, but I can't. Ha.

If anybody needs me, I'll be in my box.

But listen carefully to the sounds,
Of your lonliness like a heartbeat..
drives you mad,
In the stillness of remembering what you had

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